- Breaking changes:
- Drop support for Ruby 2.7 and 3.0
- Chore:
- Add support for Ruby 3.2 & 3.3
[0.4.0] - 31 January 2021
- Dependencies:
- Update to yard v0.9.27
- Move from Redcarpet to CommonMarker markdown provider
- Move doc syntax from Rdoc to markdown
- Move dev dependencies from gemspec to gemfile
- Chore:
- Add support for Ruby 3.1
- Update rubocop rules
0.3.1 - 13 October 2020
- fix scrap method to reflect NVD feeds page changes
- update dependencies
- update rubocop rules
0.3.0 - 22 January 2019
- update dependencies: updated gemspec, ruby 2.6 support, fix gem doc flag, fix oj crash (seg fault)
- Gemfile.lock: now Gemfile.lock is not ignored anymore
- gitlab-ci: add ruby 2.6 test, add caching key, and anchors for better reuse, always use bundle
- NVDFeedScraper
method: change return value
- rubocop: fix lint
0.2.1 - 2 May 2018
- Gitlab-CI: test with ruby 2.4.x and 2.5.x
- style: fix Style/ExpandPathArguments cop
- security: fix Security/Open cop, protect from pipe command injection
- test: fix NVD URL after NVD changed it
0.2.0 - 20 January 2018
- new attributes for the Feed class:
- fix
method by using the new update!
method from the Feed class
- split source code in several files, one by class
- improve tests and documentation
0.1.0 - 17 January 2018
- add support for CVE from 1999 to 2001
- fix tests
0.0.3 - 6 January 2018
- Gitlab-ci supports
- new badges on README
- As rubydoc.info seems bug, use gitlab pages instead for hosting YARD doc
- Test a new version number to fix a bug with rubygems.org
- Correct month name in the dates in the CHANGELOG
- Add some contribution guidelines, issue and MR templates.
- Improve the README to be a good entrypoint.
- Improve the FEATURES.